Going to law school can be a scary proposition.

Becoming an attorney can be even more daunting. There are so many unknowns!

Have you ever LOOKED INTO attending LAW SCHOOL but immediately got frustrated because you didn’t know where to start? 

Have you REACHED OUT to your “pre-law advisor” asking questions about the best way to get into law school only to get the standard, “get good grades and score high on the LSAT,” canned response? 

Do you want to APPLY TO LAW SCHOOL but don’t even know WHERE TO BEGINDoes simply thinking about writing your personal statement make you CRINGEHave you been discouraged after you took a look at a law school's tuition price tag because you have no clue how you’ll be able to pay for it?

I’ve been there and suffered through all of those same questions, doubts, and frustrations. Since I didn't have a resource like Jas Talks Law, I had to do it the hard way. I didn’t have anyone to walk me through the process of choosing a law school, filling out my law school applications, preparing for and taking the LSAT, and figuring out how to pay for school. 

Getting through the process was tough. It was taxing, and it would help if you didn't have to go through what I went through.  

That’s why I created this course. 

Whether you’ve submitted a law school application, you’ve only started it, you’re just looking for law schools, or just considering law school as an option – this course is the best thing you can do to get you pointed in the right direction. 

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Finally, a course that takes you step-by-step from thinking about law school ... to getting accepted to law school WITH scholarship.

It includes 8 lessons showing you everything you need to know to thrive in law school.

  • Why law school is possible, regardless of your current situation

  • How to prepare for law school

  • How to conquer the LSAT and make the most out of your GPA

  • How to create your "law school list"

  • Access to the Pre-Law Masterclass Community and to bonus live coaching sessions

  • Direct Email & Text Communication with Attorney Jas

  • How to request your transcripts

  • How to draft your personal and diversity statements

  • How to land amazing letters of recommendation

  • How to navigate addendums

The Pre-Law Masterclass Now Includes:

The Personal Statement
& Diversity Statement Workbooks. Valued at $70.

- Live Coaching Sessions
- Texting with Attorney Jas
- Discounts on Document Review Services
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The Pre-Law Masterclass Now Includes:

The Pre-Law Masterclass Course Curriculum

8 Vital Pre-Law Video Lectures, a Syllabus and Outline, and Homework Assignments! All designed to help you succeed in your first semester.

Invest in yourself and your future!

Would you rather graduate with $150,000 in law school debt or with little to no debt after you land a scholarship with the tips you'll get in this masterclass?

Invest in yourself and your future!

Check out what our past students have to say

  • I am super excited!

    By LaToyia Brim

    I am only finishing lesson 1, and I am already excited to go on this law school journey with Jas! I love the way the lessons are presented and how Jas makes ...

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    I am only finishing lesson 1, and I am already excited to go on this law school journey with Jas! I love the way the lessons are presented and how Jas makes you feel like you are worthy and your goal is obtainable! I am so glad that I invested in this program and I would DEFINITLEY recommend this course to anyone considering law school in the future!

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  • Sis is the real deal!

    By sawaki (shay) Samuels

    To say that this pre law master class was excellent is an understatement! Not only did Attorney Jas share her knowledge, she also shared her experiences thro...

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    To say that this pre law master class was excellent is an understatement! Not only did Attorney Jas share her knowledge, she also shared her experiences throughout law school. I, along with many other future attorneys can use her words of wisdom for the years to come. I’m a firm believer that when you are transparent with your experiences people are more receptive to listen to what you have to say. Attorney Jas keep pouring into the lives of others both near and far. When you take care of others, God will truly take care of you. Sis, you are the real deal. Be blessed!

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  • Great Class

    By Lakeisha Jones

    Amazing! All the things for which I needed a better understanding was provided! Love Attorney Jas's delivery! I am encouraged!

    Amazing! All the things for which I needed a better understanding was provided! Love Attorney Jas's delivery! I am encouraged!

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  • Great source of information

    By Jasmine Reynolds


Price increasing soon!

Why future lawyers from all over the United States are turning to Jas Talks Law for help with their Law School Preparation

Truly motivating! Attorney Jas understands the importance of the opening line of your personal statement. She truly helps you dig deeper and figure out exactly what makes you stand out from your peers and helps you cross the threshold from “maybe” to “YES!” 
- Asli

“My experience with Attorney Jas was amazing! She was very punctual, organized, and helpful. I reached out to her for help with my personal statement, and she went above and beyond to assist. She even answered questions regarding the Law School Application Process! I can’t thank her enough!”

 “4% of lawyers are melanin-based in the legal profession is a huge discrepancy, thus speaks volumes to the allusion that racial biases still permeates extensively throughout the US. Jasmine’s movement is a much necessary proprietary counter to the overall injustices needed to balance the scales.”
— Zakary Y.

Take a Look for yourself

Here's an in-depth look at what's in the course

Part 1: Why Law School

Is law school right for you: Video content telling you how to figure out if law school is right for you by showing you all the RIGHT questions you need to ask yourself and the RIGHT things you should do to find out. It will help you eliminate any excuses you might be telling yourself about why you “can’t” get into law school.

What can you do with your law degree: Videos showing you SEVEN of the most amazing things you can do once you receive your law degree and reasons why you might want to look into all of them.

Part 2: Preparing for Law School

Law school application: Videos that walk you through the mindset of the law schools you’ll apply to and how to craft your application in a way that conforms to WHAT THEY WANT

Time management tools: My exact steps I use to organize my day so I can get THE MOST DONE with the time I have available and how you can stick with it, even when you don’t think you can.

Part 3: Conquering the LSAT and Making the MOST of your GPA

LSAT study tools: Learn how and where to take the test, my FAVORITE prep courses, which courses are best for which learning style, and how to make the best out your score, whatever it is.

Part 4: Creating your Law School List and Requesting your Transcripts

What schools you should consider: A step-by-step formula to show you how to evaluate law schools, and how to CHOOSE YOUR LAW SCHOOLS in a systematic, informed way.

Law School Acceptance Code: Every law school tells you who they will admit – you just need to know where to find it. I’ll show you how to find this information and how to use it so you can eliminate the guess-work from your admissions applications.

Part 5: Drafting your Personal and Diversity Statements

My Personal Statement Drafting Steps: How to structure your statement, what you MUST INCLUDE in your statement, what tone you should use, and how to talk about yourself.

How to Stand Out: Why you can’t do what everyone else is doing and how to knock the recruiter’s socks off with your opening.

Nail your diversity statement: Everyone is diverse, but nobody knows that unless you tell them. My blueprint for figuring out how to show your diversity and make your statement memorable.

Part 6: Finding Recommenders

Three required credentials: Every professor MUST MEET these THREE credentials in order to get your recommendations to shine. Learn what you need to know about your professors before you even approach them to write the letter.

Getting that letter of recommendation: The FIVE STEPS you NEED TO DO to make sure your professor writes your letter of recommendation. 

Part 7: Addendums, Resumes, and More

Addendum Checklist: How to know when you NEED to include an addendum in your application and how to write it. I will walk you through the most common reasons for needing an addendum and how you can best address them.

Resume Do’s and Don’ts: How to design and tailor the perfect resume. After this lesson, you will nail your resume and it will be one more reason law schools will consider your application over another, similar applicant.

Land Your Scholarship: You don’t have to go to law school and pile up hundreds of thousands of dollars in law school debt. I’ll help you figure out the best places to look for scholarships and how to make yourself more likely to land a scholarship.

Bonus Lesson: Now what?

Should you say Yes: Videos showing you how to choose between different acceptance letters and steps to walk you through picking your ultimate law school destination.

What to do when you get your denial letters: How to go about life when it happens and steps to put you on the right path if you ultimately decide to reapply. Lots of reasons for you not to give up.

Your Smile When You Become An Attorney

Jas Talks Law Has Helped Future Lawyers Receive over $4,500,000 in Law School Scholarships.

Enroll Now

Why other students are coming to Jas Talks for help

“Attorney Jas was my personal accountability partner. She kept my focus and helped me push through during stressful times. She made sure my spirits were always high and always reaffirmed to me that I was capable. From studying for the LSAT to drafting the perfect personal statement, Jasmin was there to coach me through it all. The services she offers are unmatched, and by taking advantage of them, I was able to obtain a $96,000 scholarship to law school! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience, and I can’t wait to join her 1L success academy to get me prepared for my first year of law school. Thank you, Jasmin, for everything!”
— Breanna M.

 Attorney Jas is truly a barrier-breaker in the law field. Her Personal Statement Workbook finally got me through my writer's block. The 1L Success Academy was super helpful as well. As the first law student and future lawyer in my family, I was so afraid of law school. The 1L Success Academy cleared up a lot of my confusion and even answered questions I didn't know I had. Any person considering law school should take advantage of her services!
— Kadeja Thomas 

Frequently Asked Questions

Any Other Questions? Contact Us! [email protected]

  • What is the Pre-Law Masterclass?

    Law schools want evidence you can master the basic skills required of a lawyer and the masterclass will teach you how to provide proof. The masterclass offers eight lectures hosted by Attorney Jasmin Robinson which are designed to provide guidance and support as you maneuver through the law school admissions process. It’s less expensive than one-on-coaching so you can save money as well.

  • When and where is the Pre-Law Masterclass being held? How long does it take to complete the Pre-Law Masterclass?

    The masterclass is an online, pre-recorded webinar. You should watch one lecture a week to begin your law school admissions process. It should not take more than a week to complete each lesson and homework assignment, but it depends on you, your schedule, and commitment. The pre-law masterclass workbook includes a timeline so you can stay committed to completing each lesson and homework assignment.

  • What does the Pre-Law Masterclass Workbook consist of? Will I receive the Personal Statement Workbook, as well?

    The masterclass workbook includes the class syllabus, an outline with fill in the blanks for each lesson, a timeline to keep you accountable for each lesson and homework assignment, and six attachments (Law School Admissions Cost Breakdown Chart, LSAT Prep Options Chart, two sample LSAT Study Schedules, a sample Law School List, and an Addendum chart). The masterclass workbook does NOT include the Personal Statement Workbook but you can purchase it by visiting www.jastalkslaw.com/shop.

  • What are the Pre-Law Masterclass homework assignments? For example, is it LSAT prep or law school admissions related homework assignments?

    The homework assignments correlate with each lesson addressing portions of the law school admissions process. For example, lesson six's homework assignment involves creating your law school list. The lessons do NOT include LSAT Prep assignments.

  • Does the Pre-Law Masterclass include Attorney Jas editing my diversity statement, personal statement, etc.?

    No because that involves one-on-one coaching. The Pre-Law Masterclass is a group coaching option. As such, we have lessons dedicated to drafting your diversity statement, personal statement, resume, etc. If you need one-on-one coaching services, such as document review, visit: www.jastalkslaw.com/services

  • Why can't I jump around? Why can't I begin with lesson four?

    We ordered the lessons based on priority and when you should begin the content in your law school admissions process. As such, each lesson (except for the first) has a prerequisite lesson (the lesson before it). Accordingly, you must complete the lessons in order because there's something to learn in each lesson! We don't want you to miss out on any pertinent information.

  • If needed, can I cancel my membership?

    Yes but you will lose access to the Pre-Law Masterclass once next month's payment is due but not received.

  • Can I gift the Pre-Law Masterclass?

    Yes! The masterclass is the perfect graduation gift by the way! You can gift the masterclass using either the one-time payment or monthly payment plan. All you have to do is create an account using your email address, and once you're ready to give the course, have the recipient log in with your username and password and then update the user info from the student dashboard, including a new password.

Reserve your Spot Today!

And start preparing for law school because we need a more diverse legal community